Birds by Summit Taxidermy

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagles are found throughout the northern hemisphere making them one of the most widespread birds of prey in the world. They are a very impressive bird and are similar in size to their relative the Bald Eagle.

golden eagle mounted in glass case
great grey owl mounted in glass case

Great Grey Owl

The Great Grey Owl is a Boreal forest species that is frequently seen during daylight hours. Although it appears to be quite large it is actually smaller and more delicate than its cousin the Great Horned Owl.

Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle is an impressive North American bird of prey. In parts of Canada we are able to obtain permits to mount birds that have died from accidental causes.

bald eagle mounted in glass case
ringneck pheasant in glass case

Ring-necked Pheasant

The Ring-necked Pheasant is a brilliantly coloured game bird which was imported to North America from China.

This piece was a donation to one of our local Ducks Unlimited fundraising functions.

Bird work: Due to our current backlog with birds, we are unable, unfortunately, to take on any new bird projects at this time.

Summit Taxidermy

Box 37, Longview, Alberta, Canada T0L 1H0

Phone: 403-558-3615 (Calgary area- toll free)